Extending the functionality


Writing ScrapingTemplates

A ScrapingTemplate is a set of rules that is predefined for a specific page.

Let’s say the url we want to scrape is:

In this example, a ROOT_URL is https://usosweb.uni.wroc.pl/kontroler.php?_action= and the destination: dla_stud/studia/sprawdziany/pokaz.

The path of the template is going to be templates/scraping/dla_stud-studia-sprawdziany-pokaz.py (just replace the slashes with dashes).

This is how a minimal template looks like:

import logging
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

logging = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ScrapingTemplate:
    """Scrapes the specific type of page by using predefined
    set of actions."""
    def __init__(self, web_driver: object) -> None:
        self.driver = web_driver
        self.results = None

    def get_data(self) -> object:
        """Returns the scraped and parsed data."""

        return self.results

    def _soup(self) -> object:
        """Generates a soup object out of a specific element
        provided by the web driver."""
        driver_html = self.driver.find_element_by_id("container")

        soup = BeautifulSoup(

        return soup

    def _parse(self, soup: object) -> None:
        """Initializes parsing of the innerHTML."""
        parser = Parser(soup=soup, web_driver=self.driver)
        self.results = {
            "module": __name__,
            "parsed_results": parser.get_parsed_results()

class Parser:
    """Parses the provided HTML with BeautifulSoup."""
    def __init__(self, web_driver: object, soup: object) -> None:
        self.soup = soup
        self.driver = web_driver
        self.results = []

    def get_parsed_results(self) -> list:
        """Returns the results back to the ScrapingTemplate."""

        ... # does parsing magic

        return self.results

The only requirement for the ScrapingTemplate is to implement the get_data() method so that it returns a dictionary with a module key, such as:

    "module": __name__,
    "new_destinations": [ ... ],
    "parsed_results": [ ... ]

Available keys:

new_destinations - URLs to pass back to the scraper for building up the queue of crawling.
parsed_results - data saved in a form of a list of entities.

Using custom web drivers

By default, the Scraper class uses ChromeDriver to automate the browser.

You can add more drivers in usos/web_driver.py. Here is an example of a custom driver:

def _driver_phantomjs(self) -> None:
    """Adds PhantomJS WebDriver support."""
    logging.info("Creating new PhantomJS Driver")

    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    driver_path = dir_path + '/phantomjs'
    driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path=driver_path)
    driver.set_window_size(1120, 550)

    self._driver = driver
Important: your method should set the self._driver attribute to point to the instance of the driver.
Now, you can add additional logic to how the drivers are chosen.
Let’s say, we want the PhantomJS driver to launch only in debug mode, and ChromeDriver on our production server.

def get_instance(self) -> object:
    """Returns an instance of the selected web driver."""

    if self.config["MY_DEBUG_MODE"]:

    return self._driver

Defining new entities


The current implementation of an Entity will be replaced in the future by an independant data structure.

Honestly, operating on dictionaries instead of a dedicated class feels a little weird for such an important element.

An Entity is a dictionary structure that contains two keys: entity and items.
Think about it not only as a data type, but also as an abstraction tak defines its purpose.

For example:

    "entity": "course-results-tree",
    "items": [
            "group": "28-INF-S-DOLI",
            "subgroup": "Logic for Computer Science",
            "hierarchy": "Exams",
            "item": "Final Exam",
            "values": ["85.0 pts", "Editor: John Doe"]
        }, {
            "group": "28-INF-S-DOLI",
            "subgroup": "Logic for Computer Science",
            "hierarchy": "Class/Tests",
            "item": "Test no. 3",
            "values": ["15.0 pts", "Editor: Jane Doe"]


Entity course-results-tree defines not only what it stores in the items key, but also how to process the data - the defined behaviour is to compare the supplied items with existing data to search for changes.

  1. If you want to introduce a new entity, start with a ScrapingTemplate. This is the very first step of a lifecycle of an entity.
  2. Add custom behaviour for the specific entity you’re implementing. Check and if needed, expand methods _get_filename() and analyze() of the usos.data.DataController class.
  3. Update your rendering templates to support this type of entity.
  4. Great! You now have a new type of entity that supports custom behaviour.


Writing message templates


This package comes with Jinja2 as a default templating engine.

Everybody loves Jinja2. That’s why it is used as a default templating engine for this project.
You can add your own templates by putting them into the templates/notifications/ directory.

To learn more about writing templates in Jinja2, check out the documentation.

Implementing additional Streams (channels)

Streams are defined in usos/notifications.py. To add your own channel, just subclass Notification and implement two private methods: _render() and _send().

The Dispatcher class automatically sets the self.data and self.config attributes that supply results from the DataController as well as channel-specific key variables from notifications_config.json file.


The final template should be saved in the self._rendered_template attribute.

def _render(self) -> None:
    env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates/notifications'))
    template = env.get_template('WebRequest.html')

    self._rendered_template = template.render(data=self.data)

Your _send() method should return a boolean indicating whether the notification has been sent successfuly or not.

def _send(self) -> bool:
    data = {
        'API_KEY': self.config["API_KEY"],
        'MESSAGE': self._rendered_template
    request = requests.post(API_URL, data=data)
    return (request.status_code == 200)

Here’s another example of a custom stream: PaperMail.

class PaperMail(Notification):
    def _render(self) -> None:
        letter: str = "Hey, {name}! "
                        + "{message} "
                        + "Take care, {author}."

        letter = letter.format(

        self._rendered_template = letter

    def _send(self) -> bool:
        return True

Now it can be used as a channel on it’s own:

dispatcher = Dispatcher(

my_message = {
    "recipient": "Kate",
    "message": "I'm getting a divorce.",
    "sender": "Anthony"
